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Welcome to Synergy Web Design & Marketing

We start with an idea and we help create a business.
The difference between a good idea and a great idea comes down to marketing.

Digital Marketing Tips

Recent advancements in digital marketing have seen a significant influence from AI, particularly in platforms like Bing. AI technology in Bing enables more precise targeting of audiences, improved ad personalization, and better campaign optimization. Through AI algorithms, Bing can analyze user behavior, preferences, and search patterns to deliver more relevant ads, ultimately enhancing the overall performance of digital marketing campaigns. This integration of AI in Bing showcases the growing importance of artificial intelligence in driving successful marketing strategies in today's competitive landscape.

Fort Myers Web Design

Fort Myers Web Development

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Web Design & SEO

The internet has become a valuable marketing and information tool for businesses. Synergy Web DM is a Fort Myers Web Design and Marketing company located in Southwest Florida. We go beyond the limits of basic web design & development by designing interactive, dynamic sites that will enable your web and e-commerce strategies to grow and prosper.

Our precise designs and advanced SEO functionality will enable you to utilize the power of the internet to increase your business. Our knowledge and experience with programming, graphic design and marketing assures that you will receive the highest degree of value for your company. At Synergy Web Design & Marketing we consult with you, learning about your business and needs, so we can integrate them into our design.

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Take advantage of an internet marketing plan that will not only generate website traffic, but will also strive to ensure that the right kind of customer reaches your website. With an eye-catching ad and accurate, focused keywords, Synergy Web Design & Marketing can put your advertising dollars to work for you.

Our team will generate reports and email them to you, giving you an idea of how effective your ad has been. Each month we can work with you to further develop your ad - changing keywords, refining ad text, removing keywords that are not bringing in the desired type of traffic, and more.

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At Synergy Web Design & Marketing we believe that websites must be managed, not just hosted. With our onsite data center in Fort Myers we strive to provide our clients with the best possible hosting service. While most Website hosting companies only provide network connectivity and electrical power, Synergy Web Design & Marketing goes the extra mile to provide a turnkey solution that includes monitoring, performance testing, and reporting. Synergy Web Design & Marketing's Website Management services provide businesses the most reliable servers, the fastest access and the most extensive tool set for your entire website hosting needs.